Understanding Angular Components: Basics & Best Practices

Simple Beginnings: Your First Angular Dashboard

Picture that you're building a house. You wouldn't construct it all in one go—instead, you'd put together smaller, reusable pieces like doors, windows, and walls. Angular components operate similarly. They're the building blocks of Angular apps—the bricks that let you break your code into manageable, reusable pieces.

Whether you're making a login form, a navigation bar on the web, or a dashboard with URLs for download and markdown documents, components keep your code organized and scalable.

This guide will cover:

  • What an Angular component is and how to create one.

  • Best practices to avoid common pitfalls.
  • Tips for writing maintainable, clean code.

So What Exactly Is An Angular Component?

A component in Angular (like a module) is a self-contained piece of code that runs a part of your app's UI. Each component consists of:

  1. HTML Template – Defines what appears to the user (e.g., a button or form).

  2. TypeScript Class – Handles logic (e.g., taking action when a user clicks a button).

  3. CSS Style – Styles the component.

  4. Metadata – Tells Angular how a component functions (using @Component).

Example: A Simple 'Hello World' Component

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-hello',
  template: '<h1>Hello, {{ name }}!</h1>',
  styles: ['h1 { color: blue; }']
export class HelloComponent {
  name = 'Angular Learner';
  • selector – The tag used to display the component (<app-hello>).

  • template – The HTML rendered on the screen.

  • styles – CSS applied only to this component.

Creating A Component (Step-by-Step)

1. Use Angular CLI (Recommended)

ng generate component my-component

This auto-generates the necessary files (.ts, .html, .css, .spec.ts).

2. Manual Creation

  • Write a TypeScript file (e.g., hello.component.ts).

  • Specify the component class.

  • Add @Component metadata to define it.

  • Register the component in app.module.ts.

Best Practices for Angular Components

Following these best practices will help you build clean and efficient applications:

1. Keep Components Small and Focused

  • Do: Build components that handle one single responsibility (e.g., a button, a form input).

  • Don't: Create a single component that covers an entire page.

  • Why: Smaller units are easier to maintain, test, and reuse.

2. Use Descriptive Names

  • Good: UserProfileComponent, CartSummaryComponent

  • Avoid: Component1, Page2

  • Why: Clear names improve code readability.

3. Don't Put Logic in Templates

  • Do: Move calculations or conditionals into the TypeScript class.

  • Don't: Put complex logic inside the template.


// Inside TypeScript class
user.status = user.age > 18 ? 'Adult' : 'Minor';

4. Use Lifecycle Hooks Wisely

Angular provides lifecycle hooks such as ngOnInit() and ngOnDestroy() to manage component behavior.


ngOnInit() {
  this.fetchData(); // Load data when the component initializes

5. Communicate Clearly Between Components

  • Parent → Child: Use >@Input() to pass data.

  • Child → Parent: Use @Output() to emit events.

  • Unrelated Components: Use a shared service.

Common Mistakes When Dealing with Angular Components

  1. Overusing Global Styles

    • Use component-specific CSS to avoid style conflicts.

  2. Ignoring Change Detection

    • For large apps, optimize change detection (e.g., use ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush).

  3. Not Cleaning Up Resources

    • Always unsubscribe from observables to prevent memory leaks.

Angular Components

Q1: How many components should an app have?

  • It depends! Small apps may need only 5-10, while enterprise solutions can include hundreds.

2: Can components share CSS styles?

  • Yes, using global styles or shared CSS files. However, component-specific styles are preferred.

3: What's the difference between a component and a directive?

  • Components have templates; directives modify behavior (e.g., tooltips).

4: How do I test components?

  • Use Angular's testing tools like TestBed, Jasmine, and Karma.

Angular components are the core building blocks of your app. By following best practices—keeping them small, using clear names, and managing logic properly—you'll create maintainable, scalable applications.

6 different ways to Share data between components in Angular

Why Components Need to Share Data

Angular apps consist of modular components that construct the UI. For example:

  • user dashboard may need data from a profile settings component.
  • weather widget should update itself according to the input of a location selector.

Below are five practical methods for component communication, accompanied by fresh examples.

data sharing between angular components

1. Parent to Child: Sharing Data with @Input()

Use @Input() to transfer data from a parent component to its children.


Parent Component (dashboard.component.ts):

export class DashboardComponent {  
  greetingFromParent = "Welcome from the Parent Component!";  

Parent Template (dashboard.component.html):

<app-profile [welcomeText]="greetingFromParent"></app-profile>  

Child Component (profile.component.ts):

export class ProfileComponent {  
  @Input() welcomeText: string = '';  

Child Template (profile.component.html):

<h2>{{ welcomeText }}</h2>  

Use Case: Display user-specific data (e.g., usernames, profile stats).

2. Child to Parent: Using @Output() to Emit Events

Sending data from child to parent by triggering an EventEmitter.

Child Component (settings.component.ts):

export class SettingsComponent {  
  @Output() messageEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();  
  sendUpdate() {  
    this.messageEvent.emit("Settings Updated Successfully!");  

Child Template (settings.component.html):

<button (click)="sendUpdate()">Save Changes</button>  
<app-settings (messageEvent)="handleUpdate($event)"></app-settings>  

Parent Component (app.component.ts):

export class AppComponent {  
  handleUpdate(notification: string) {  
    console.log(notification); // "Settings Updated Successfully!"  

Use Case: Confirm form submissions or trigger parent logic.

3. Sibling Communication Using a Shared Service with BehaviorSubject

Unrelated components should use a shared service with BehaviorSubject.

Step 1: Create a Communication Service

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';  
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';  

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })  
export class CommunicationService {  
  private dataStream = new BehaviorSubject<string>('Initial Message');  
  currentData$ = this.dataStream.asObservable();  

  transmitData(newMessage: string) {  

Step 2: Send Data from SenderComponent

export class SenderComponent {  
  constructor(private commService: CommunicationService) {}  

  publishUpdate() {  
    this.commService.transmitData("New Data from Sender!");  

Step 3: Receive Data in ReceiverComponent

export class ReceiverComponent implements OnInit {  
  receivedData: string = '';  

  constructor(private commService: CommunicationService) {}  

  ngOnInit() {  
    this.commService.currentData$.subscribe(data => {  
      this.receivedData = data;  

Use Case: Real-time messages or shared app state (e.g., dark mode switch).

4. Direct Access Using ViewChild

Directly access child component properties/methods with @ViewChild.

Child Component (task-list.component.ts):

export class TaskListComponent {  
  taskCount: number = 5;  

Parent Component (project.component.ts):

export class ProjectComponent implements AfterViewInit {  
  @ViewChild(TaskListComponent) taskList!: TaskListComponent;  

  ngAfterViewInit() {  
    console.log(this.taskList.taskCount); // Output: 5  

Use Case: Triggering child methods (e.g., refreshing a data table).

5. Browser Storage for Persistent Data Sharing

Locally store data with localStorage or sessionStorage.


// Save user settings  
localStorage.setItem('userSettings', JSON.stringify({ theme: 'dark' }));  

// Retrieve data  
const settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userSettings') || '{}');  
console.log(settings.theme); // "dark"  

Use Case: Maintain user sessions or application settings.

6. Using routes:
How to pass data between components using routes in Angular?

Best Practices for Clean Communication

  1. Avoid Overuse of ViewChild: Use services for scalability.
  2. Define Interfaces for Complex Data: Use types like User or Product.
  3. Lazy Load Modules: Load modules only when needed for better performance.

Angular Data Sharing

1: How do I share data between tabs or routes?

  • Use services with BehaviorSubject, or a state management library like NgRx.

2: Can I output more complex objects (not just strings)?

  • Yes! Use EventEmitter or services to output objects or arrays.

3: What is the difference between localStorage and sessionStorage?

  • localStorage persists indefinitely, while sessionStorage is cleared when the session ends.

Angular provides multiple options for inter-component communication, from simple @Input() & @Output() to advanced RxJS techniques.

This post is exclusively crafted for you 😊

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Angular developer, I hope this guide clarifies your doubts about component data sharing. If you have any questions, feel free to share them in the comments—I’d love to help!

    What is Angular? A Complete Beginner's Guide

    What is Angular?

    Angular is a TypeScript-based, open-source framework developed by Google for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs). Unlike traditional web pages, SPAs load a single HTML page and dynamically update the content, providing a seamless, app-like user experience.

    Unlike libraries like React, Angular is a full-featured framework that includes tools for routing, forms, HTTP client, state management, and more.

    Key Features of Angular
    1. Components – Reusable UI elements (e.g., headers, forms).
    2. Modules – Functional units of code (@NgModule).
    3. Services – Shared logic between components (Dependency Injection).
    4. Data Binding – Synchronization between HTML and TypeScript.
    5. Directives – Custom behavior for HTML elements (e.g., *ngIf, *ngFor).
    6. Routing – Enables navigation between views without reloading the page.
    7. CLI Tools – Automates code generation, debugging, and deployment.
    Angular vs AngularJS: Key Differences
    • AngularJS (2010) – Built with JavaScript using the MVW (Model-View-Whatever) pattern.
    • Angular (2016+) – Completely rewritten in TypeScript with component-based architecture and improved performance.
    Why Learn Angular?
    1. Enterprise Adoption – Used by Google, Microsoft, Forbes, and other top companies.
    2. TypeScript Integration – Helps catch errors early with static typing.
    3. Comprehensive Toolset – Built-in solutions for routing, forms, and HTTP requests.
    4. Strong Community Support – Regular updates and extensive documentation.
    How to Start with Angular: Step-by-Step

    Step 1: Install Prerequisites
    • Node.js & npm – Download from nodejs.org

    • Angular CLI – Install via terminal:

      npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
    Step 2: Create Your First Angular App
    ng new my-first-app

    Follow the prompts to set up styles (CSS, SCSS) and routing.

    Step 3: Run the App
    cd my-first-app
    ng serve

    Visit http://localhost:4200 to see your live application.

    Step 4: Understand Project Structure
    • src/ – Contains components, HTML, CSS, images.
    • app/ – Holds the root component (app.component.ts) and modules.
    • angular.json – Configuration settings.

    Building a Simple Angular App

    Step 1: Generate a Component
    ng generate component todo-list

    Step 2: Update todo-list.component.ts

    export class TodoListComponent {
      todos = ['Learn Angular', 'Build a project', 'Deploy to production'];
    Step 3: Update todo-list.component.html
    <h3>My Todo List</h3>
      <li *ngFor="let todo of todos">{{ todo }}</li>
    Step 4: Add Component to app.component.html

    Your app now displays a working todo list!

    Angular vs React vs Vue

    Feature Angular React Vue
    Type Framework Library Framework
    Language TypeScript JavaScript JavaScript
    Learning Curve Stepper Moderate Gentle
    Best For Enterprise apps flexible Ui Small to mid-sized apps

    Best Practices for Angular Beginners
    1. Use Angular CLI – Automate code generation and testing.
    2. Follow Modular Design – Organize features into modules.
    3. Implement Lazy Loading – Boost app performance.
    4. Write Tests Early – Use Karma and Jasmine for unit testing.

    Angular for Beginners

    Do I need to learn TypeScript to use Angular?

    Yes, but basic JavaScript knowledge is enough to start.

    Is Angular better than React?

    Angular is ideal for large applications, while React is more flexible for UI-based projects.

    Can I get a job with Angular?

    Yes! Angular developers are in high demand for enterprise projects.

    Angular is a powerful, scalable framework with robust tools for building maintainable web applications. Start with small projects, explore advanced topics like RxJS and NgRx, and gradually dive into server-side rendering (SSR) optimization.

    Latest version angular installation

    Install the Latest Angular Version: Step-by-Step Guide

    What’s the Latest Angular Version?

    • Angular issues new versions every six months; the latest major release came out in November. This guide is intended to help you install the most recent stable release of Angular no matter what exact version number it has.

    • For the current version, please use the official Angular blog or check out the GitHub releases.

    Angular recent version installation

    Step 1: Install Node.js and npm

    • Angular needs Node.js (18.13.0 and up) and npm (Node Package Manager) in order to operate correctly.

    1. Get Node.js: https://nodejs.org.

    2. Verify that things are OK:

      node --version
      npm --version

    Step 2: Install the Angular CLI Globally

    • The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is the most convenient way to create and manage Angular projects.

    1. Go to your terminal and enter:

      npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

      For Yarn users:

      yarn global add @angular/cli@latest
    2. Verify that things are OK:

      ng version
      • This will display the newest versions of both the Angular CLI and the framework. For example, "Angular v17.0.0".

    Step 3: Create a New Angular Project

    1. Generate a new Angular project:

      ng new my-angular-app
    2. This will prompt questions in your CLI:

      • Would you like to enable Angular analytics? (Optional)

      • Which stylesheet format? (SCSS, CSS, etc.)

      • Enable Server-Side Rendering (SSR)? (Optional for Angular 17+).

    3. Enter your project folder:

      cd my-angular-app

    Step 4: Run the Application

    1. Start the development server:

      ng serve
    2. Open http://localhost:4200 in your browser; you should see the default Angular welcome page.

    How to Update an Existing Project to the Latest Angular Version

    1. Update Angular CLI globally (as in Step 2).

    2. Enter the root folder of your Angular project.

    3. Run:

      ng update @angular/core@latest @angular/cli@latest
    4. Resolve dependencies:

      • Update third-party libraries (e.g., Angular Material, NgRx).

      • Review breaking changes in the Angular Update Guide.

    5. Test your application thoroughly:

      ng serve

    Troubleshooting Common Installation Issues

    1. Permission Errors

      • Use sudo (for macOS/Linux) or open a PowerShell/CMD window as Administrator (for Windows):

        sudo npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
    2. Version Conflicts

      • Clean Up npm Cache:

        npm cache clean --force
    3. Outdated Node.js

      • If node --version shows any version number less than 18.13.0, upgrade it!

    Best Practices in Angular Development

    1. Stay Updated

      • Revisit the Angular blog or use ng version to check for new releases every 6 months.

    2. Use Angular CLI

      • Develop new components, services, and modules using ng generate.

    3. Enable Strict Mode

      • Use TypeScript’s strict checks to avoid unsafe code:

        ng new my-app --strict

    FAQ: Angular Installation Questions

    Q1: How do I know if I have the latest Angular version?

    Q2: Can I install different Angular versions?

    • Yes, using npx to create projects with specific versions:

      npx @angular/cli@latest new my-app

    Q3: Why upgrade to the newest Angular version?

    • You get more features, better performance, security patches, and bug fixes.

    Q4: Can Angular be used on Windows/macOS/Linux?

    • Yes, Angular works on all major operating systems.

    Installing the latest Angular version ensures access to cutting-edge tools and optimizations. The process has become simpler over time. Stay updated via the Angular blog for the latest news.

    below topic covered:

    • Install latest Angular version

    • Current Angular version

    • Angular CLI setup

    • Angular update guide

    • Angular troubleshooting

    Java interview questions on arraylist

     Java Interview Questions on ArrayList

    • ArrayList is a core data structure of the Java Collections API. It combines the convenience of dynamic arrays with the power of the Collection Framework. 
    • For these reasons, it has become a favored interview topic to test candidates on their knowledge of data structures and performance under pressure. In this tutorial, we will provide detailed explanations of various ArrayList concepts. We'll classify questions and answers into sections based on difficulty level.

    1. Basic Questions 

    1: What is an ArrayList?

    • ArrayList is a resizable array implementation of the List interface.
    • It dynamically grows/shrinks as elements are added/removed.
    • Allows duplicate elements and maintains insertion order.

    Code Example:

    List<String> fruits = new ArrayList<>();

    2: How does ArrayList differ from a standard array?

    • Arrays have fixed sizes; ArrayList is resizable.
    • Arrays support primitives (e.g., int[]); ArrayList only stores objects (but can use wrappers like Integer).
    • ArrayList provides built-in methods (add(),remove(), etc.) and implements the List interface.

    3: What is the default initial capacity of an ArrayList?

    • Default capacity is 10. When exceeded, it grows by ~50% (e.g., 10 → 15 → 22, etc.).

    2. Common Operations

    4: How do you iterate over an ArrayList?

    we can iterate over an ArrayList in four ways:

    1. For-loop:

      for (int i = 0; i < fruits.size(); i++) {
    2. Enhanced For-loop:

      for (String fruit : fruits) {
    3. Iterator:

      Iterator<String> it = fruits.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
    4. Java 8+ forEach:


    5: How do you convert an ArrayList to an array?

    String[] fruitArray = fruits.toArray(new String[0]);

    6: How do you remove duplicates from an ArrayList?

    Answer: Use a Set to remove duplicates:

    List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 2, 3));
    Set<Integer> unique = new LinkedHashSet<>(numbers);
    List<Integer> uniqueList = new ArrayList<>(unique);

    3. Performance & Internals

    7: What is the time complexity of common ArrayList operations?

    • get(int index): O(1) (direct index access).
    • add(E element): Amortized O(1) (adds to end; resizing is rare).
    • add(int index, E element): O(n) (shifts elements).
    • remove(int index): O(n) (shifts elements).

    8: How does ArrayList handle resizing?

    • When the current capacity is exceeded, a new array is created with 1.5× the old capacity (e.g., 10 → 15).
    • Elements are copied to the new array using Arrays.copyOf().

    4. Thread Safety

    9: Is ArrayList thread-safe?

    • No. Concurrent modifications can cause ConcurrentModificationException.
    • For thread safety, use:
      • Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()).
      • CopyOnWriteArrayList (thread-safe but costly for write-heavy operations).

    10: What is a ConcurrentModificationException?

    • Occurs when a list is modified while being iterated.
    • Solution: Use Iterator.remove() or synchronize access.

    5. Advanced Topics

    11: How do you sort an ArrayList?

    Use Collections.sort() or Java 8+ Comparator:

    Collections.sort(numbers); // Ascending order
    numbers.sort((a, b) -> b - a); // Descending order

    12: How do you reverse an ArrayList?

    Use Collections.reverse():


    13: What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?

    • ArrayList: Backed by an array. Faster for random access (get()/set()).
    • LinkedList: Backed by nodes. Faster for frequent insertions/deletions.

    6. Coding Challenges

    14: Find the intersection of two ArrayLists.


    List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
    List<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 4));
    list1.retainAll(list2); // list1 becomes [2, 3]

    15: Find the maximum element in an ArrayList.


    int max = Collections.max(numbers);

    Or with Java 8+:

    int max = numbers.stream().max(Integer::compare).get();

    7. Best Practices

    16: When should you use ArrayList?


    • When you need frequent read access and infrequent insertions/deletions at the end.
    • Avoid using it for heavy insertions/deletions in the middle (use LinkedList instead).

    17: How can you optimize ArrayList performance?


    • Pre-size it: Use new ArrayList<>(initialCapacity) if you know the expected size.
    • Avoid frequent resizing: Estimate capacity upfront.

    Further Reading

    Java interview questions on streams

    Java interview questions on streams

    Core Concepts

    1. What is a Stream?
      A sequence of elements that supports sequential or parallel operations. Streams do not store data; they operate on a source (e.g., collection) and support functional-style operations such as filter, map, and reduce.

    2. Stream vs. Collection

      • Collections store data, while streams process it on demand.
      • Streams are lazy, meaning operations execute only when a terminal operation is invoked.
    3. Intermediate vs. Terminal Operations

      • Intermediate operations: filter, map, sorted (return a new stream, lazy).
      • Terminal operations: collect, forEach, reduce (produce a result or side effect, eager).

    Common Operations

    1. Filter vs. Map

      • filter(Predicate): Selects elements matching a condition.
      • map(Function): Transforms elements into another shape, such as extracting a field.
    2. Reduce
      Combines elements into a single result, such as the sum of numbers:

      int sum = numbers.stream().reduce(0, (a, b) -> a + b);
    3. FlatMap
      Flattens nested collections (e.g., List<List> to List):

      List<Integer> flatList = nestedList.stream().flatMap(List::stream).toList();

    Advanced Concepts

    1. Parallel Streams

      • Allow processing to occur in multiple threads using parallelStream().
      • Thread safety: Ensure the lambda expression is stateless or non-interfering.
    2. Stateful vs. Stateless Operations

      • Stateless: filter, map (do not depend on other elements).
      • Stateful: distinct, sorted (must keep everything in memory).
    3. Short-Circuiting Operations
      These operations end processing early, such as findFirst, limit, and anyMatch.


    1. Collectors.toList
      Collects the values of a stream into a list:

      List<String> names = people.stream().map(Person::getName).toList();
    2. GroupingBy
      Groups elements by a classifier, such as grouping people by age:

      Map<Integer, List<Person>> peopleByAge = people.stream()
    3. PartitioningBy
      Splits elements into two groups (true/false) based on a predicate:

      Map<Boolean, List<Person>> partitioned = people.stream()
          .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(p -> p.getAge() >= 18));

    Coding Problems

    1. Find distinct elements in a list:

      List<Integer> distinct = numbers.stream().distinct().toList();
    2. Sum all even numbers:

      int sum = numbers.stream().filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).mapToInt(n -> n).sum();
    3. Convert a list of strings to uppercase:

      List<String> upper = strings.stream().map(String::toUpperCase).toList();
    4. Find the longest string in a list:

      Optional<String> longest = strings.stream()
    5. Concatenate two streams:

      Stream<String> combined = Stream.concat(stream1, stream2);

    Best Practices & Pitfalls

    1. Avoid Side Effects
      Stream operations should be stateless; avoid modifying external variables in lambdas.

    2. Primitive Streams
      Performance can be improved using IntStream, LongStream, or DoubleStream for primitive types.

    3. Reusing Streams
      Streams are one-time use only; create new ones if needed.

    4. ForEach vs. For-Loops
      Prefer forEach for clarity, but avoid it for complex mutations or state modifications.

    Scenario-Based Interview programming Questions On Java Streams

    1. How to handle exceptions in streams?
      Wrap checked exceptions in a lambda with try-catch or use utility methods like Unchecked:

      List<String> result = files.stream().map(file -> { 
          try { 
              return readFile(file); 
          } catch (IOException e) { 
              throw new UncheckedIOException(e); 
    2. When to use parallel streams?
      Use for large volumes of data and CPU-bound tasks but avoid for I/O operations or small datasets.

    3. Why does peek exist?
      Used for debugging/logging intermediate stream states, such as peek(System.out::println).

    Advanced Coding Challenges

    1. Find the second-largest number in a list:

      OptionalInt secondLargest = numbers.stream()
          .skip(numbers.size() - 2)
    2. Merge two lists of objects into a map (ID → Object):

      Map<Integer, Person> idToPerson = people.stream()
          .collect(Collectors.toMap(Person::getId, Function.identity()));
    3. Count occurrences of every word in a list:

      Map<String, Long> wordCount = words.stream()
          .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));

    These questions cover fundamental programming concepts, best practices, and optimization strategies. Senior developers may also focus on parallel stream effectiveness and custom collectors.

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