string reverse in python

  • The reverse string in python is not an in-built function.
  • By creating the slice operation we can perform the reverse function.
  • In this slice operation, we create the slice that starts with the end of the string and moves backward.
  • String reverse in python example program
Example: " abcdefg"[::-1]


 right to left indexing:              [-7]    [-6]    [-5]    [-4]      [-3]     [-2]      [-1]

                                                    a          b      c        d          e          f         g 

left to right indexing:             [0]         [1]     [2]     [3]     [4]       [5]        [6]

  • In the above example, we are having the string  "abcdefg " which we want to reverse. so create a slice that starts with the end of the string and moves backward.
  • here it starts with the end index that is indicated with -1 and moves backward as 5,4,3,2,1,0.
  • -1 index  is g
  • 5 index is f
  • 4 index is e
  • 3 index is d
  • 2 index is c
  • 1 index is b
  • 0 index is a
  • so the final output is gfedcba.

#write a python code to demonstrate string reverse.

  1. txt="today climate is very cool"[::-1]
  2. txt1="hello world"[::-1]
  3. print(txt)
  4. print(txt1)
Output:    looc yrev si etamilc yadot
                  dlrow olleh

python tolower

  •  In python, to lower is used to convert the uppercase letters to lower case.
  • It uses the function called lower().
  • It doesn't have any parameters.
  • The string must be enclosed with single or double-quotes.
  • If the string does not contain any upper case letters then it returns the same string.
Syntax: str.lower()

Example: s="HELLO"


#write a python code to demonstrate the lower() function.

  2. print(str.lower(s))
  3. x="My NAme IS  aBCba"
  4. print(str.lower(x))
output: apple is a fruit
              my name is abcba

remove spaces from string python

  •  In python, we have different functions which remove the spaces between the strings.
  • There are three functions that remove the whitespace between the strings, they are:
  • strip(), rstrip(), lstrip()  are the three functions having the same meaning but some differences.
strip(): It removes the whitespace at the beginning and end.

syntax: str.strip()

lstrip(): It removes the whitespace at beginning of the string.

syntax: str.rstrip()

rstrip(): It removes the whitespace at end of the string.

syntax: str.rstrip()

Example: write a python to demonstrate the remove space function.

  1. txt="    hello"
  2. print(txt)
  3. print(txt.strip())
  4. print(txt.rstrip())
  5. print(txt.lstrip())
Output:         hello    //this is the original output
                  hello         //after removing both side space
                     hello      //no space at  end returns same 
                hello          //remove space at the beginning.

replace function in python

 replace function:

python having different types of in-built functions from them replace() is one of the function.
  • The replace() function name itself saying that "one string is replaced with the other string".
  • It consists of three parameters old value, new value, and count.
old value:  The value that we want to replace.

new value: The value we want to replace with is the new value.

count: The number of times of the value we want to replace old with the new value.

Syntax: str.replace(old value,new value,count)

#write a python code to demonstrate replace function.

  1. a="my name is java"
  2. b=" she is a very talented person"
  3. c="They have no knowledge in python"
  4. a=a.replace("java","python")
  5. b=b.replace("talented person","brave girl")
  6. c=c.replace("no","more",3)
  7. print(a)
  8. print(b)
  9. print(c)
  • In the above program in line 5, we want to replace no with more and we gave the count as 3 so in the string where we have no that will be replaced with more up to 3 times only.
  • so the output will be as shown in below.
Output:  my name is python
               she is a very brave girl
              They have more kmorewledge in python 

strip function in python

In Python, the str.strip() method is used to remove leading and trailing whitespaces from a string. By default, the strip() method removes any whitespace characters from the beginning and end of the string, such as spaces, tabs, and newlines. 
The strip() function is a string method that removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from a string. By default, it removes spaces, tabs, and newline characters from the beginning and end of a string. 
However, it can also be used to remove any specified characters from the beginning and end of a string.
Here's an example of strip() method:

It's important to note that the strip() function returns a new string and does not modify the original string.
We can also use lstrip() and rstrip() to remove leading and trailing whitespaces respectively.
strip() function in Python is a useful method for removing unwanted characters from the beginning and end of a string, which helps in cleaning up the data and making it ready for further processing or analysis.

original_string = "   Hello World   "
stripped_string = original_string.strip()

This will print "Hello World" with leading and trailing whitespaces removed.

In addition to removing whitespaces, the strip() method can also remove specific characters from the beginning and end of the string. You can pass one or more characters as arguments to the strip() method, and it will remove those characters from the beginning and end of the string. Here's an example:

original_string = "!!Hello World!!"
stripped_string = original_string.strip('!')

This will print "Hello World" with the leading and trailing '!' characters removed.

Alternatively, you can use lstrip() and rstrip() method to remove leading and trailing whitespaces respectively.

original_string = "   Hello World   "
stripped_string = original_string.lstrip()

This will print "Hello World " with leading whitespaces removed.

original_string = "   Hello World   "
stripped_string = original_string.rstrip()

This will print " Hello World" with trailing whitespaces removed.

It's worth noting that, the strip() method returns a new string with the leading and trailing whitespaces removed, it does not modify the original string.
  • In python, we are having another in-built function called "strip()".
  • The strip() function is used to remove the spaces of the starting and end of the string.
  • It is having one parameter character used to remove the begging or end character.
  • By default, it removes the white spaces at the beginning or end.
  • If there is no white space between the beginning or end, the string remains the same and returns the same string.
  • When the character we give does not match the start or end, it returns the same string.
  • If the character is given at start to remove then the space will be removed and the remaining will remain the same.
syntax: str. strip(char)

#write a python program to demonstrate the strip function()

  1. txt1="   my name is python"
  2. txt2="***my name is python***"
  3. txt3=",,,my name is python"
  4. txt1=txt1.strip()
  5. txt2=txt2.strip("*")
  6. txt3=txt3.strip(".")
  7. print(txt1)
  8. print(txt2)
  9. print(txt3)
Output: my name is python
               my name is python
               my name is python

length of string python

 length of the string:

  • The len() function gives the length of the string.
  • As it returns the result in integer type.
  • It takes the string as the parameter.
  • We can use len() for list,tuple,set,dictionry.
  • The len() is the built-in function in python programming.
  • Example:  "string"  its length is  6.
Syntax: str(length)

#write a python program to demonstrate the length of the string.

  1. string="america"
  2. print(len(string))
Output: 7

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