Assignment operator in python

  •  In python, we have the assignment operator
  • Definition: The assignment operator is used to assigning a value to variables.
  • eg:x=100
  • Here we just assign a value of 100 to the x variable.
  • we use the '"="  symbol to assign the values to the variables.
  • After assigning the values to the variables it performs the different types of operations.
  • The assignment operator mixed with another operator is called compound operator.
  • The different types of compound operators are:
  1. +=       
  2. -=      
  3. *=     
  4. /=      
  5. %= 
  6. //=    
  7. **=   
  8. &=
  9. |=
  10. ^=
  11. >>=
  12. <<=

Example: write a python program  using assignmnet operators.

  1. x=5
  2. x+=5
  3. print(x)
  4. 10
  5. x=2
  6. x-=2
  7. print(x)
  8. 0
  9. x=2
  10. x*=12
  11. print(x)
  12. 144
  13. x=10
  14. x/=5
  15. print(x)
  16. 2.0
  17. a=4
  18. a%=2
  19. print(a)
  20. 0

Identity operator in python

  • Identity operator, before going to identity operator let's have a small idea about its background.
  • We have multiple operators from them special operator is the one, in that special operator we are having two types of operators :
  • 1.Identity operator.
  • 2.Membership operator.
  • Now let's talk about the identity operator,
  • "Identity operator" is used to compare whether the value in the first argument may be or may not be the same in the second argument.
  • In identity operator we have two  types, they are:
  1. is
  2.  is not
  • "is" operator is used to saying that the value is present in the corresponding argument.
  • If the value is present in the corresponding argument then it returns True, else False.
  • is operator always checks the address comparison
  • "is not " operator is used to saying that the value is not present in the corresponding argument.
  • If the value not presents then it returns the True otherwise False.

Example: write a python program using is identity operator.

  1. a="apple"
  2. b="apple"
  3. print(a is b)
  4. True

#2.write a python program using isnot operator.

  1. a="Apple"
  2. b="apple"
  3. print(a isnot b)
  4. True

Python power operator

     let us know in detail about the python power operator.

  1. Power operator  is one of the arithmetic operator .. 
  2.  In python the power operator  can  be used  to calculate the  power of a number or  exponential .  
  3.  The power  operator in python is denoted by " ** " symbol. 
  4.  It always returns the float types values  only.
  5.  The power operator is having the  second highest  priority in the operator precedence as first priority goes to parenthesis. 
  6.  The power operator can be calculated in two ways :
  7.             1.  using **

                2.  using pow()function.

    • For two arguments we write the power as (a,b) i.e  a to the power of b
    • For three it is written as (a,b,c) i.e x to the power of b, modulus c.
    • The syntax for 3 arguments is (a,b,c).

    Now let us  go to  some practical examples:

    #1.write a python program to calculate the power of a number

    1. x=12**2
    2. print(x)
    3. 144

    #2.write a python program to calculate the power of a number.

    1. x=1**2
    2. print(x)
    3. 1

    Python not equal operator

    • Let's discuss python, not equal operators.  
    •  In python, there are different types of operators available,in that we have not equal operators.
    • Not equal to operator comes under the comparison operator as we compare the one variable with the other.
    • Python not equal to the operator is used for the same data type values.
    • When we compare one variable with another variable by using not equal operators we will get the boolean type values. bool type is True or False. if the values are not equal then it returns True value and if the values are equal then it returns the False value.
    • The syntax for not equal to is !=  mostly used in the python 3 versions.

    #1. write a python program to describe not equal to operator using integer

    1. a=2.5
    2. b=1.0
    3. c=5.0
    4. print(a!=b)
    5. true
    6. print(b!=c)
    7. true
    8. print(a!=b!=c)
    9. true

    python not equal operator

    #2. write a python program to describe not equal to an operator using string

    • Python, not equal operator  using string
    1. x='apple'
    2. y='ball'
    3. print(x!=y)
    output: true

    C program to check whether a character is vowel or consonant

    • In this  program we will discuss about how to check whether a character is vowel or consonant.
    • In English language will be having 5 vowels and 21 consonants.
    • To check entered character is vowel or consonant, first Read input character from user using scanf.
    • There are only 5 vowels(A,E,I,O,U), so we need to check entered character is there in those 5 characters.
    • If it is present then we can say its an vowel, otherwise it is a consonant.
    • While checking we need to consider case sensitivity. So we need to check both uppercase vowels and lower case vowels.
    • Lets see an example program to check whether entered character is vowel or not.

    check vowel or consonant in c

    Write a program to determine whether the input character is a vowel or consonant or not an alphabet

    1. #include <stdio.h>
    2. //write a program to determine whether the input character is a vowel or consonant or not an alphabet
    3. //c program to check whether a character is vowel or consonant
    4. //
    5. int main() {
    6.     char character;
    7.     int lowercaseVowel, uppercaseVowel;
    8.     printf("Enter a character  ");
    9.     scanf("%c", &character);

    10.     // assigns 1
    11.     lowercaseVowel = (character == 'a' || character == 'e' || character == 'i' || character == 'o' || character == 'u');

    12.     // evaluates to 1 if variable c is a uppercase vowel
    13.     uppercaseVowel = (character == 'A' || character == 'E' || character == 'I' || character == 'O' || character == 'U');

    14.     // evaluates to 1 (true) if c is a vowel
    15.     if (lowercaseVowel || uppercaseVowel)
    16.         printf("%c is a vowel.", character);
    17.     else
    18.         printf("%c is a consonant.", character);
    19.    getch();
    20. }

    1. Enter a character
    2. I
    3. I is an vowel

    Print prime numbers from 1 to 100 in c

    • Lets discuss a program on how to print prime numbers from 1 to 100.
    • Here by default we need to print all prime numbers from 1 to 100.
    • No need to ask user to enter a number because we need to end loop at 100.
    • Using for loop iterate from 1 to 100
    • Take one more loop and check each number is divisible by 1 and itself or not.
    • Program to print prime number between 1 to 100 in c

    #1.C program to print prime numbers from 1 to 100

    1. #include <stdio.h>

    2. // c program to print prime numbers from 1 to 100
    3. //
    4. int main()
    5. {
    6.    int n, i,k, count = 0;
    8.  printf("Prime numbers from 1 to 100\n");
    9. for(i=2;i<=100;i++)
    10.  {
    11.   for(k=2;k<i;k++)
    12.   {
    13.    if(i%k==0)
    14.    break;
    15.    else if(i==k+1)
    16.    printf("%d\n",i);
    17. }
    18. }
    20.     getch();
    22. }

    prime numbers from 1 to 100

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