Print prime numbers from 1 to 100 in c

  • Lets discuss a program on how to print prime numbers from 1 to 100.
  • Here by default we need to print all prime numbers from 1 to 100.
  • No need to ask user to enter a number because we need to end loop at 100.
  • Using for loop iterate from 1 to 100
  • Take one more loop and check each number is divisible by 1 and itself or not.
  • Program to print prime number between 1 to 100 in c

#1.C program to print prime numbers from 1 to 100

  1. #include <stdio.h>

  2. // c program to print prime numbers from 1 to 100
  3. //
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6.    int n, i,k, count = 0;
  8.  printf("Prime numbers from 1 to 100\n");
  9. for(i=2;i<=100;i++)
  10.  {
  11.   for(k=2;k<i;k++)
  12.   {
  13.    if(i%k==0)
  14.    break;
  15.    else if(i==k+1)
  16.    printf("%d\n",i);
  17. }
  18. }
  20.     getch();
  22. }

prime numbers from 1 to 100

Sum of two integers in c

  •  Check here for printing an integer in c 
  • We have 4 basic data types in c programming language
  • int, char, float and double
  • For storing numbers or integers we will use int data type.
  • Lets see an example program sum of two integers in c programming language.
  • To add two integers we need two int type variables and third variable to store result of sum of two integers.
  • Its a basic level example program for beginners to understand integer data types

sum of two integers in c

Write a C program to add two integers / find sum of two integers in c

  1. #include<stdio.h>
  2. // c program to print integer using %d
  3. // c print integer
  4. //
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7.             //declare an integer variable 
  8. int number1, number2, sumOfTwoIntegers;
  9.             // read input from user using scanf
  10. printf ("Enter any two integers: ");
  11. scanf (" %d%d", &number1,&number2);
  12. //sum of two integers in c
  13. sumOfTwoIntegers=number1+number2;
  14.    //print the same number using %d
  15. printf("Sum of two integers : %d", sumOfTwoIntegers);
  16. getch();
  17. }
  1. Enter any two integers:
  2. 10
  3. 20
  4. Sum of two integers : 30

Print an integer in c language

  • For declaring numbers we use int data type in c.
  • In order to read using scanf we use %d.
  • using printf we can print same variable. 

print interger in c

#Write a C Program to print an integer 

  1. #include<stdio.h>
  2. // c program to print integer using %d
  3. // c print integer
  4. //
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7.             //declare an integer variable 
  8. int number;
  9.             // read input from user using scanf
  10. printf ("Enter an Integer: ");
  11. scanf (" %d", &number);
  12.    //print the same number using %d
  13. printf("You Entered : %d", number);
  14. getch();
  15. }

  1. Enter an Integer: 3
  2. You Entered : 3

Sum of even numbers in c

  • Please check this below program which prints even numbers from 1 to n.
  • Print even numbers in c 
  • To print sum of even numbers from 1 to n first we need to get all the even numbers and add them.
  • Using for or while loop iterate from 1 to n number and get all even numbers
  • sum=sum+evenNumber
  • C program to find sum of even numbers using while loop

sum of even numbers in c

C program to find sum of even numbers using while loop

  1. #include<stdio.h> 
  2. //write a program to print even numbers in c using while loop
  3. //
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6.     // declare variables 
  7.     int number,i,sum=0;
  8.     //read input from user 
  9.     printf("Enter a number: ");
  10.     scanf("%d", &number);

  11.    //iterate and check if it a even number or not 
  12.      i=1;
  14.         while(i<=number){
  16.         if(i%2 ==0){
  18.           printf("%d\n" ,i);
  19.            sum=sum+i;    
  20.         }
  21.           i++  ;  
  22.         }
  23.          printf("sum of all even numbers = %d",sum);
  25.    getch();
  26. }

  1. Enter a number:8
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 8
  6. sum of all even numbers= 20

Print even numbers in c

  • Lets see how to write a c program to print even numbers using c programming.\
  • Its a basic example to print only even numbers 
  • Use for loop and iterate from 1 to n.
  • In each iteration check if number if divisible by 2 (n%2 == 0). if yes then its a even number otherwise it is a odd number.
  • C program to print even numbers from 1 to n. 
print even numbers in c

  1. #include<stdio.h> 
  2. //write a program to print even numbers in c 
  3. //
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6.     // declare variables 
  7.     int number,i;
  8.     //read input from user 
  9.     printf("Enter a number: ");
  10.     scanf("%d", &number);

  11.    //iterate and check if it a even number or not 
  13.     for (i=1; i<=number; i++){
  15.         if(i%2 ==0){
  16.           printf("%d\n" ,i);
  18.         }
  20.         }
  22.    getch();
  23. }

  1. Enter a number: 12
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 8
  6. 10
  7. 12

#2 print even numbers in c using while loop

  • Now we will try to print even numbers using while loop
  • Only difference is replace for with while loop
  • Variable initialization will be done before loop
  • condition will be inside while(condition)
  • increment or decrement will be last line of while block 
  • Lets print even numbers using while loop from 1 to n.

  1. #include<stdio.h> 
  2. //write a program to print even numbers in c using while loop
  3. //
  4. int main()
  5. {
  6.     // declare variables 
  7.     int number,i;
  8.     //read input from user 
  9.     printf("Enter a number: ");
  10.     scanf("%d", &number);

  11.    //iterate and check if it a even number or not 
  12.      i=1;
  14.         while(i<=number){
  16.         if(i%2 ==0){
  17.           printf("%d\n" ,i);
  19.         }
  20.           i++  ;  
  21.         }
  23.    getch();
  24. }

  1. Enter a number: 20
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 6
  5. 8
  6. 10
  7. 12
  8. 14
  9. 16
  10. 18
  11. 20

Sum of digits of a number in c

  • To find sum of digits of a number in c , we need to get individual numbers and add those numbers.
  • First of all read a number from user using scanf.
  • Using while loop get individual number 
  • Divide the number with 10 so we will get last digit of that number as remainder , once we get that last digit then add it to one variable and divide that number with 10 so it will become one digit less.
  • like this we can get all digits and add all those numbers to get sum of digits 
  • Sum of individual digits in c program
  • c program to find sum of digits of a 3 digit number
sum of digits in c

correction: here n =number .

# program to find sum of digits of a number in c

  1. #include<stdio.h> // include stdio.h
  2. //c program to find sum of digits of a number using while loop
  3. //write a program to find sum of digits of a number
  4. //
  5. int main()
  6. {
  7.     // declare variables 
  8.     int number, remainder, sum = 0;
  9.     //read input from user 
  10.     printf("Enter a number: ");
  11.     scanf("%d", &number);

  12.    //iterate until number not equal to zero
  13.    // get individual digits and add all those digits to get sum
  14.     while(number != 0)
  15.     {
  16.         remainder = number % 10;
  17.         sum += remainder;
  18.         number = number / 10;
  19.     }
  20.   //print sum of digits in c
  21.     printf("sum = %d", sum);

  22.     getch();
  23. }

  1. Enter a number
  2. 123
  3. sum = 6

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