How to subtract minutes from current time in java


We have discussed about how to subtract hours from java 8 using LoclaDateTime class in java. How to subtract N hours from current date time using java 8... read more ?

How to subtract N hours from current date time using java 8


We have already seen how to subtract number of days from java using calendar and using java 8. How to subtract X days from a date using Java... read more ?

C program to insert an element in an array


Program to insert an element in an array at a given position C program to insert an element in an array without using function (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||... read more ?

C program to delete an element in an array


Write a c program to insert and delete an element in array Write a c program to delete an element in an array C Program to Delete the... read more ?

Apache Spark create rdd from an array java | convert an array in to RDD


RDD is the spark's core abstraction. Full form of RDD is resilient distributed dataset. Each RDD will split into multiple partitions which may be computed in different machines... read more ?

How to create rdd in apache spark using java


RDD is the spark's core abstraction. Full form of RDD is resilient distributed dataset. That means it is immutable collection of objects. Each RDD will split into multiple... read more ?

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