C program to print given number in words
- Write a program to input a digit and print it in words
- C program to print number in words using switch cas.
- Now we will see how to convert number /digits in to words in C programming.
- Get the input from the user using Scanf() function.
- Using while loop and % operator and get the each number and use switch case to print corresponding word for the current number.
Program #1: write a program in c that reads the digits and then converts them into words
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int number,i=0,j,digit;
- char * word[1000];
- printf("Enter any integer to print that in words: ");
- scanf("%d",&number);
- while(number){
- digit = number %10;
- number = number /10;
- switch(digit){
- case 0: word[i++] = "zero"; break;
- case 1: word[i++] = "one"; break;
- case 2: word[i++] = "two"; break;
- case 3: word[i++] = "three"; break;
- case 4: word[i++] = "four"; break;
- case 5: word[i++] = "five"; break;
- case 6: word[i++] = "six"; break;
- case 7: word[i++] = "seven"; break;
- case 8: word[i++] = "eight"; break;
- case 9: word[i++] = "nine"; break;
- }
- }
- for(j=i-1;j>=0;j--){
- printf("%s ",word[j]);
- }
- return 0;
- }