Advantages and disadvantages of hibernate compared to jdbc

Advantages of Hibernate over JDBC: Hibernate is an ORM tool Hibernate is an open source framework. Better than JBDC. Hibernate has an exception translator , which converts checked... read more ?

Hibernate supported databases List

Hibernate is an ope source framework and also called as an ORM tool. Hibernate supports lot of databases.  Please find below list of databases that are supported by... read more ?

Big data Hadoop interview questions answers freshers and experienced - Part 2

Hadoop interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced - Part 1 31.Using linux command line. how will you Copy file from your local directory to HDFS hadoop... read more ?

How to call non static method from static method java

Class is a template and when we create object instance variables gets memory. If we create two objects variables get memory in two objects. So instance variables gets... read more ?

Calling static method from non static method in java

Static means class level and non static means object level. Non static variable gets memory in each in every object dynamically. Static variables are not part of object... read more ?

Top 60 Hadoop interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced - Part 1

1.What is HDFS? HDFS, the Hadoop Distributed File System, is a distributed file system designed to hold very large amounts of data (terabytes or even petabytes), and provide... read more ?

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