Java Static Constructor : is it possible to create static constructor?


1.Is it possible to create static constructor in java? No. We can not create constructor with static. If we try to create a static constructor compile time error... read more ?

How to check internet connection using java


Hi friends now we are going to check our pc is having internet connection or not using java code  yes we can check internet connection using java code... read more ?

Top 10 Interview Programs and questions on method overriding in java


1.What is method overriding in java? Defining multiple methods with same name and same signature in super class and sub class known as method overriding.  Method overriding is... read more ?

Top 15 Java abstract class and abstract method interview questions and programs


1.What is abstract class in java? Hiding the implementation  and showing the function definition to the user. Abstract class contains abstract methods and concrete methods(normal methods) 2.How can... read more ?

Can we call super class static method from subclass in java


If you want to call static method of a class we can call directly from another static method or by using its class name we can call static... read more ?

Inheritance interview programming questions : Part 2

1. what is the output of following program: package com.instanceofjava;   public class SuperDemo{ public void show(){     System.out.println("Super class show() method called");   }   }... read more ?

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