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Java SE
- Lets discuss about what are the common functionalities everyone needs when developing a application and what are the classes we require mostly to rectify common problems.
- Exception classes are very important in every java project,
- Finding the places where the chances of occurring exception and placing in try and in catch block assigning to corresponding exception class or super class of all exceptions Exception.
- Checked Exceptions
- Unchecked Exceptions
- Errors
Basic IO:
- Basic input and output operations covered by java platform classes focuses on IO streams and serialization.
I/O Streams:
- Byte Streams are provided to handle I/O of raw binary data.
- Character Streams handles I/O of character data
- Buffered Streams optimize input and output by reducing the number of calls to the native API.
- Scanning and Formatting allows a program to read and write the formatted text.
- I/O from the Command Line describes the Standard Streams and the Console object.
- Data Streams will handle the binary I/O Strings and primitive data types
- Object Streams provided to handle binary I/O of all objects.
Will Explains how to build applications which perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
- Java Platform having full support to concurrent programming
- In JDK 5 Java introduces high level concurrent programming APIs.
- Like java.util.concurrent packages.
The Platform Environment
- To examine and configure java environment java provides classes and libraries.
- JVM and Java class libraries
- Configuration Utilities describes APIs used to access configuration data supplied when the application is deployed, or by the application's user.
- System Utilities describes miscellaneous APIs defined in the System and Runtime classes.
- PATH and CLASSPATH describes environment variables used to configure JDK development tools and other applications.
- Here the List of commonly used java classes
- java.lang.Exception
- java.lang.System
- java.lang.String
- java.util.ArrayList
- java.util.HashMap
- java.lang.Object
- java.lang.Thread
- java.lang.Class
- java.util.Date
- java.util.Iterator