InputStream vs OutputStream
- For each type of source and destination in package oracle given a separate class.
InputStream Class:
- ByteArrayInputStream
- FileInputStream
- FilterInputStream
- BufferedInputStream
- DataInputStream
- LineNumberInputStream
- PushbackInputStream
- ObjectInputStream
- PipeInputStream
- SequenceInputStream
- StringBufferInputStream
IputStream Class Methods:
- Since InputStream class is the super class for all input stream classes. It has below methods with general implementation for all sub classes.
1.public int available() throws IOException :
- Checking available bytes to read.
2.public abstract int read() throws IOException :
- Reading byte-by-byte.
3.public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException :
- Reading all bytes.
4.public int read(byte[] b, int off, int length) throws IOException :
- Reading selected range of bytes.
5.public boolean markSupported() :
- Checking is this Stream supports marking.
6.public void mark(int readLimit) :
- Marking current position of stream.
7.public void reset() throws IOException :
- Placing the control at marked place.
8.public long skip(long n) throws IOException :
- Skip reading given range of bytes.
9.public void close() throws IOException :
- Closing the stream.
OutputStream Class:
- ByteArrayOutputStream
- FileOutputStream
- FilterOutputStream
- BufferedOutputStream
- DataOutputStream
- PrintStream
- ObjectOutputStream
- PipeOutputStream
OutputStream class methods:
- Since OutputStream is the super class of all binary output stream classes it has below method with general implementation for all sub classes.
1.public abstract void write(int i)throws IOException:
- Writing one by at time to an output stream.
2.public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException :
- Writing stream of bytes to an output stream.
3.public void write(byte []b , int off, int length) throws IOException :
- Writing range of stream of bytes to an output stream.
4.public void flush() throws IOException :
- Flush all bytes to destination from output Stream.
5.public void close() throws IOException :
- Close output stream.
FileInputStream and FileOutputStream:
- These classes are used to read and write data as byte from File.
- Basically these two streams are used as basic data source and destination for other streams.
DataInputStream and DataOutputStream:
- These two classes are used to read and write data as primitive data.
- Basically these two streams are used to add capability to another input stream and output stream to read and write data as primitive types.
ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream:
- These classes are used to read and write data as object.
- Basically these two streams perform object serialization and deserialization.
BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream:
- These two classes are used to read and write data as buffers.
- Basically these two streams are used to improve reading and writing performance of other streams.
- This class is used to read data from multiple InputStreams Sequentially.
- PrintStream class is filter output stream class .
- Its adds functionality to another OutputStream, namely the ability to print representations of various data values conveniently.
Basic steps to perform IO Operations:
- Create stream class object based on source and destination.
- Call read() method to read data from the source.
- Call write() method to write data to the destination.
- FileInputStream
- FileOutputStream or
- FileReader
- FileWriter Streams class objects
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