Here is the formatted table with Hibernate interview questions and answers:

SNO   Question Answer
1 What is Hibernate? Hibernate is an open-source ORM framework in Java. It simplifies database interaction by mapping Java objects to database tables and automating CRUD operations.
2 What are the main advantages of Hibernate over JDBC? - No cumbersome JDBC boilerplate code - Supports automatic SQL query generation - Faster processing due to caching - Supports HQL (Hibernate Query Language) - Built-in transaction management
3 What is HQL (Hibernate Query Language)? HQL is an object-oriented query language in Hibernate that uses entity names instead of table names. Example: java <br> Query query = session.createQuery("FROM Employee WHERE department = 'IT'"); <br> List<Employee> employees = query.list(); <br>
4 What are the different states of a Hibernate object? - Transient – The object is not associated with any Hibernate session. - Persistent – The object is in a session and mapped to a database row. - Detached – The object was persistent but is now outside the session.
5 What is the difference between get() and load() in Hibernate? - get() – Fetches data immediately; returns null if no record is found. - load() – Uses lazy loading; throws an exception if no record is found.
6 What is caching in Hibernate? Caching improves performance by reducing database queries. - First-level cache – Enabled by default; stores data within a session. - Second-level cache – Shared across multiple sessions; requires explicit configuration.
7 What is the difference between save() and persist() in Hibernate? - save() – Returns the generated identifier and inserts the record immediately. - persist() – Does not return an ID; insertion occurs only when the transaction commits.
8 What is the difference between Session and SessionFactory? - SessionFactory – A heavyweight object that creates Session instances; spans the entire application. - Session – A lightweight object representing a unit of work; interacts with the database.
9 What are Hibernate Annotations? Hibernate annotations allow entity mappings without XML. Example: java <br> @Entity <br> @Table(name = "employees") <br> public class Employee { <br> @Id <br> @GeneratedValue <br> private int id; <br> private String name; <br> } <br>
10 How does Hibernate handle transactions? Hibernate transactions are managed using Transaction objects. Example: java <br> Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); <br>; <br> tx.commit(); <br>
11 What is the difference between merge() and update() in Hibernate? - update() – Reattaches a detached object to the session and updates it. - merge() – Merges changes from a detached object into a persistent object copy.
12 What is Lazy and Eager loading in Hibernate? - Lazy Loading – Data is not retrieved until needed. - Eager Loading – Related entities are retrieved immediately. Example: java <br> @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) // Lazy loading <br> @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) // Eager loading <br>
13 What are the different inheritance strategies in Hibernate? Hibernate supports three inheritance mapping strategies: - Single Table Strategy – @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) - Joined Table Strategy – @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) - Table Per Class Strategy – @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
14 What is the Criteria API in Hibernate? The Criteria API allows dynamic queries without writing HQL. Example: java <br> Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Employee.class); <br> criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("department", "IT")); <br> List<Employee> employees = criteria.list(); <br>
15 What is the difference between openSession() and getCurrentSession()? - openSession() – Always creates a new session. - getCurrentSession() – Returns an existing session if available.

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