Math operators:

  • In python, we have various arithmetic operators.
  • These are called math operators because they perform different types of mathematical operations.
  • Here  we have seven types of arithmetic operators:
  1. +     addition
  2. -      subtraction.
  3. /       division.
  4. %     modulus.
  5. *       multiplication.
  6. //       floor division.
  7. **      exponential.
1.Addition(+): It is used to add two or more operands.
It is represented by the "+". symbol.

2.subtraction(-): It subtracts the value of the  one operand to other operands 
It is represented by the symbol "-".

3.Division(/): It divides one operand with another operand and gives the remainder. The result is always in float type only.
It is represented by the symbol "/'.

4.modulus(%): It is the remainder of the operands.
It is represented by the symbol "%".

5.Multiplication(*): It multiply the two or more operands.
It is represented by the symbol "*".

6.floor division(//): It divides the operands and get the result in the whole number only.
It is represented by the symbol "//'.

7.exponential(**): It is used to calculate the power of the values.
It is represented by the symbol "**'.

Example: write a python program for integers using math operators.

  1. x=3
  2. y=4
  3. print(x+y)
  4. print(x-y)
  5. print(x/y)
  6. print(x%y)
  7. print(x*y)
  8. print(x//y)
  9. print(x**y)
output:     7

Instance Of Java

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