• C program to swap two numbers using functions temporary variable.
  • We can swap two numbers by using temporary variable.
  •  Lets see an example C program to swap two numbers without using any function.
  • C program to swap two numbers using third variable

Program #1: Write a C program to swap two numbers using temporary variable without using any function and by using third variable.

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <stdlib.h>
  4. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  5. {
  6.   int a,b, temp;
  7.   printf("Please enter two integer number to swap\n");
  8.   scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);
  9.   printf("before swapping\n");
  10.   printf("a=%d\n",a); 
  11.   printf("b=%d",b);   
  12.   temp=a;
  13.   a=b;
  14.   b=temp;
  15.   printf("\nafter swapping\n");
  16.   printf("a=%d\n",a); 
  17.   printf("b=%d",b);        
  19.  return 0;
  21. }


swap numbers in c.png

Program #2: Write a C program to swap two numbers using temporary variable with using  function and using third variable.

  • C program to swap two numbers using functions call by value

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <stdlib.h>
  3. void swap(int a, int b);
  4. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  5. {
  6.   int a,b;
  7.   printf("Please enter two integer numbers to swap\n");
  8.   scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);
  9.   printf("before swapping\n");
  10.   printf("a=%d\n",a); 
  11.   printf("b=%d",b);   
  13.   swap(a,b);   
  15.   return
  17. }
  19. void swap(int a, int b){
  21.   int temp=a;
  22.   a=b;
  23.   b=temp;
  24.   printf("\nafter swapping\n");
  25.   printf("a=%d\n",a); 
  26.   printf("b=%d",b); 
  28. }


  1. Please enter two integer numbers to swap
  2. 10
  3. 20
  4. before swapping
  5. a=10
  6. b=20
  7. after swapping
  8. a=20
  9. b=10

Instance Of Java

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