• If a number is divisible by 2 then is it an even number otherwise it is odd number.
  • Now we need to check a number is even or odd without using modulus or division operators in c programming language.
  • Yes we can check a number is even or odd without using division and modulus operators for that we need to use & operator
  • number &1 ==1 then it is an even number.
  • Let us check a number is even or not in c program using & operator.
  • Here is the example program for how to find even of odd number without using modulus in c programming language

Program #1: write a c program to check a number is even or odd without using modulus and division operators in c programming.
  • Even or odd program in c without using mod operator 

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. int main()
  3. {
  4.     int number;
  6.     printf("Enter a number to check even or odd");
  7.     scanf("%d", &number);
  9.     if((number & 1)==0)
  10.           printf("%d is even.", number);
  11.     else
  12.         printf("%d is odd.", number);
  15.     getch();
  17. }


even or odd division modulus in c

  • We can check a number is even or odd without using modulus and division operator in c program
  • The another method is using shift operators
  •   number >> 1) <<1==number then it is even number
  • Like this we can find even or odd number without using modulus in c 

 Program #2: write a c program to check odd or even without using modulus operator

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. int main()
  3. {
  4.     int number;
  6.     printf("Enter a number to check even or odd");
  7.     scanf("%d", &number);
  9.     if(( number >> 1) <<1==number)
  10.           printf("%d is even.", number);
  11.     else
  12.         printf("%d is odd.", number);
  15.     getch();
  17. }


  1. Enter a number to check even or odd
  2. 4
  3. 4 is Even Number

Instance Of Java

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