• If we are using HQL or Native SQL queries multiple time then it will be code mess because all queries will be scattered throughout the project.
  • Hibernate Named Query is a way to use queries by giving a name.
  • Hibernate Named Queries will be defined at one place and used anywhere in the project.
  • use of named query in hibernate
  • Writing HQL query in HBM file is called HQL Named Query.
  • Or we can use @NameQuery annotation in entity.
  • For writing Hibernate Named Queries we will use <query> tag in Hibernate mapping file Or @NameQuery annotation in the entity.
  • If we want to create Named Query using hibernate mapping file then we need to use query element.

Advantages of Named Query in Hibernate 

  • Global access
  • Easy to maintain.

Hibernate Named Queries by using Annotations:

  • If we want to create Named Queries using annotations in entity class then we need to use @NameQueries and @NameQuery annotations
  • @NameQuery will be used to create single Query
  • @NameQueries annotations will be used to create multiple Queries. When we are using @NameQueries for every query we need to use @NameQuery annotation.

Hibernate Named Query example by using Annotations:

Hibernate Named Query example join

  1. Query query = session.getNamedQuery("findDocterById");
  2.         query.setInteger("id", 37);
  3.        List empList = query.list();

Hibernate Named Queries by using Hibernate mapping file:

  • We need to configure Hibernate Named Queries as part of Hibernate mapping file.
  • By using <query> element we need to write Hibernate named Queries.

  1. <hibernate_mapping>
  2.             <class  >
  3.             ---------
  4.             </class>
  6.  <query name = “findDocterById”>
  7.  <![CDATA[from Docter s where s.id = :id]]>
  8. </query>  

  9.  </hibernate_mapping>     

  1. Query query = session.getNamedQuery("findDocterById");
  2.         query.setInteger("id", 64);
  3.        List empList = query.list();

Instance Of Java

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