• Hibernate is an ope source framework and also called as an ORM tool.
  • Hibernate supports lot of databases. 
  • Please find below list of databases that are supported by hibernate.
  • Hibernate supported databases list 

  1. DB2    
  2. DB2 AS/400   
  3. DB2 OS390 
  4. FrontBase
  5. Firebird  
  6. HypersonicSQL 
  7. H2 Database  
  8. Informix   
  9. Ingres  
  10. Interbase
  11. MySQL5    
  12. MySQL5 with InnoDB    
  13. MySQL with MyISAM    
  14. Mckoi SQL
  15. Microsoft SQL Server 2000    
  16. Microsoft SQL Server 2005  
  17. Microsoft SQL Server 2008  
  18. Oracle
  19. Oracle 9i   
  20. Oracle 10g    
  21. Oracle 11g      
  22. PostgreSQL  
  23. Progress   
  24. Pointbase
  25. SAP DB
  26. Sybase
  27. Sybase 

  •  Following is the list of various important databases dialects for corresponding database.

hibernate supported databases

Instance Of Java

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