Types of Operators in Java:

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Bit-wise Operators
  3. Logical Operators
  4. Relational Operators 
  5. Assignment Operators
  6. Misc Operators

Java operator precedence

java order of operations

Arithmetic Operators
  • Arithmetic operators are used in mathematical expressions.
  • Following are the arithmetic operators in java.
  1. +  :  Addition
  2. -   : Subtraction
  3. *  : Multiplication
  4. /   : Division
  5. % : Modulus

Bit wise Operators:

  • Bit wise operators operates on individual bits of operands.
  • Following are the Bit-wise operators in java. 
  • Bitwise operators in java

  1. ~      : Bit wise unary not
  2. &     : Bit wise And
  3. |       : Bit wise OR
  4. ^      : Bit wise Exclusive OR
  5. >>    : Shift Right
  6. >>>  : Shift right zero fill
  7. <<    :Shift left

Logical Operators:

  1. && : Logical AND
  2. ||      : Logical OR
  3. !      : Logical NOT

Relational Operators in java

  1. ==  : Equal to
  2. !=   : Not Equal to
  3. <    : Less Than
  4. >    : Greater Than
  5. >=  : Greater Than or Equal to
  6. <= : Less Than or Equal to

Assignment Operators:

  1. =    : Simple Assignment
  2. +=  : Add and assign
  3. -=   : Subtract and assign
  4. *=   : Multiply and assign
  5. %=  : Modulus and assign
  6. /=    : Divide and assign
  7. &=   : Bit wise AND assignment
  8. |=     : Bit wise assignment OR
  9. ^=    : Bit wise Exclusive OR assignment
  10. >>= : Shift Right assignment
  11. >>>= : Shift right  zero fill assignment
  12. <<=   : Shift left assignment

Misc Operators:

Increment and Decrement operators:
  1. ++ : increment
  2. --   : decrement

Conditional Operator: (?:)

  • Also known as ternary operator
  • Example: int a= 1>2?1:2;

Ternary operator in java

Instanceof Operator
  • Instance of operator is used to test whether that object is belong to that class type or not.
  • If that object belongs to that class it returns true .otherwise it returns false.
  • Instance of operator is also known as comparison operator.because it compares with the instance of type.
Instanceof operator in java

Instance Of Java

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