1.Java Basic interview Programs on Strings

 2.Reverse a String Without using String API?

 3.Sorting the String without using String API?

 4.Check String is palindrome or not? 

 5.How to split a String in java

  • #1: Java Program to split a String using String Split() method:
  • #2: Java Program to split a String using String Split() method and use for each loop to display  
  • #4: Java Program to split a String using String Split() method: Before splitting check whether deliminator is there or not
  • Check here for all questions on Splitting a string using string  method

6.Removing Non Ascii character from a String?

 7.Java program to replace or remove a character in a string java

8.Java Program to check two strings are anagrams or not

 9.Java program to return maximum occurring character in the input string

10.Java program to count the number of vowels in a string.

11.Java Program to find numbers of occurrences of given char in a string

12.Java Program to count number of words in a String.
13.How to reverse vowels in a string java
14.Java program to remove vowels from string

 15.How to find count of uppercase letters in a string 

Instance Of Java

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1 comments for Java experience interview programming questions on Strings

  1. please add more String related program without using API & thanks for helping us keep it up


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