• Vector was introduced in  first version of java . that's the reason only vector is legacy class.
  • ArrayList was introduced in java version1.2, as part of java collections framework.
  • Synchronization and Thread-Safe:
  • Vector is  synchronized. Synchronization and thread safe means at a time only one thread can access the code .In Vector class all the methods are synchronized .That's why the Vector object is already synchronized when it is created .
  • ArrayList is not synchronized.

How To Make ArrayList synchronized:

  • We have direct method in collections class to make Arrraylist as Synchronized.
  • List li=new ArrayList();
  • Collections.synchrinizedlist(li);

Automatic Increase in Capacity:
  • A Vector defaults to doubling size of its array.
  • ArrayList increases it's size by 50%.
  • Vector is slower than ArrayaList.
  • ArrayList is faster than Vector.

Instance Of Java

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1 comments for Difference between arraylist and vector

  1. Automatic Increase in Capacity:

    A Vector defaults to doubling size of its array.
    ArrayList increases it's size by 50%.
    Please ellaborate this differenc more.


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