
  • Exceptions are the objects representing the logical errors that occur at run time and makes JVM enters into the state of  "ambiguity".
  • The objects which are automatically created by the JVM for representing these run time errors are known as Exceptions.
  • An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch. Most such errors are abnormal conditions.
  •  few of the subclasses of Error
  • AnnotationFormatError - Thrown when the annotation parser attempts to read an annotation from a class file and determines that the annotation is malformed.
  • AssertionError - Thrown to indicate that an assertion has failed.
  • LinkageError - Subclasses of LinkageError indicate that a class has some dependency on another class; however, the latter class has incompatibly changed after the compilation of the former class.
  • VirtualMachineError - Thrown to indicate that the Java Virtual Machine is broken or has run out of resources necessary for it to continue operating.
  •  There are really three important subcategories of Throwable:
  • Error - Something severe enough has gone wrong the most applications should crash rather than try to handle the problem,
  • Unchecked Exception (aka RuntimeException) - Very often a programming error such as a NullPointerException or an illegal argument. Applications can sometimes handle or recover from this Throwable category -- or at least catch it at the Thread's run() method, log the complaint, and continue running.
  • Checked Exception (aka Everything else) - Applications are expected to be able to catch and meaningfully do something with the rest, such as FileNotFoundException and TimeoutException.

try block:

  • The functionality of try keyword is to identify an exception object.
  • And catch that exception object and transfer the control along with the identified exception object to the catch block by suspending the execution of the try block.
  • All the statements which are proven to generate exceptions should be place in try block.

catch Block:

  •  The functionality of catch block is to receive the exception class object that has been send by the "try".
  • And catch that exception class object and assigns that exception class object to the reference of the corresponding exception class defined in the catch block.
  • And handle the exception that has been identified by "try".
  • "try"  block identifies an exception and catch block handles the identified exception.

finally block:

  • finally blocks are the blocks which are going to get executed compulsorily irrespective of exceptions.
  • finally blocks are optional blocks.

 throw keyword:

  • throw keyword used to throw user defined exceptions.(we can throw predefined exception too)
  • If we are having our own validations in our code we can use this throw keyword.
  • For Ex: BookNotFoundException, InvalidAgeException (user defined)

 throws keyword:

  •  The functionality of throws keyword is only to explicitly to mention that the method is proven transfer un handled exceptions to the calling place.
  1. package com.instanceofjavaforus;
  2. public class ExcpetionDemo {
  3.  public static void main(String agrs[]){
  4.   try{
  5. //statements
  6. }catch(Exception e){
  7.  System.out.println(e);
  8. }
  9. finally(){
  10. //compulsorily executable statements 
  11. }
  12.   }
  13. }


Unreachable Blocks:

  • The block of statements to which the control would never reach under any case can be called as unreachable blocks.
  • Unreachable blocks are not supported by java.
  • Thus catch block mentioned with the reference of  "Exception" class should and must be alwats last catch block. Because Exception is super class of all exceptions.

  1. package com.instanceofjavaforus;
  2. public class ExcpetionDemo {
  3. public static void main(String agrs[]){
  4. try{
  5. //statements
  6. }catch(Exception e){
  7. System.out.println(e);
  8. }
  9. catch(ArithmeticException e)//unreachable block.. not supported by java. leads to error
  10. System.out.println(e);
  11.  }
  12. }

Instance Of Java

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