Java Basics:
- Introduction to Java
- Coding standards , Naming convention and Identifiers
- Top 10 uses of Java Keywords
- Java Data Types
- Java data types with example programs
- Control statements in java with examples
- Basic Operators in java
- Method and type of Methods
- Access Specifiers/Modifiers
- Packages in java
- public static void main(String[] args)
- JVM Architecture
- Object class in java
- Command line arguments
- Var Args in java
- Type Casting in java
- Static Import
- Enhanced For loop
- Enum in java
- Top 100 mock interview questions and answers
Java Features:
- Java Versions Introduction
- Java 7 Features
- 8 New Java 8 features
- Java 8 Interface Default and Static methods
Object Oriented Concepts:
- OOPS Introduction
- Encapsulation
- Class and Object
- Four different ways to create objects in java
- 5 different places to define object in java
- Polymorphism
- Method Overriding
- Inheritance
- Constructor
- Constructor Overloading
- Constructor Chaining
- Static constructor
- Static Keyword
- Non static blocks in java
- This Keyword
- Super Keyword
- Super keyword interview questions java
- Final Keyword
- Abstract class and interfaces
- Abstract Class and abstract methods
- Interview questions on interfaces in java
- Multiple choice questions on java concepts
Wrapper classes
- Wrapper Classes
- Boxing and unboxing
- Boolean Wrapper class
- Integer Wrapper class
- Character wrapper class
- Byte Wrapper class
- Float wrapper class
- Long Wrapper class
- Arrays in java
- Java Arrays Interview Questions and answers for Freshers
- Java Interview Questions and answers for experienced
Java String
Exception Handling
- Exception Handling Introduction
- Differences Between Exception and Error
- try catch finally in Java
- User Defined Exceptions in Java
- Throw vs throws
- Final vs finally vs finalize()
- Return statement in try catch blocks
- Return statement in finally block
- Throw keyword in java
- Multiple catch blocks in java
- Try block without catch block
- Unreachable Blocks in java
- Different ways to print Exception message
- Java interview questions on exception handling
Multi threading
- Mutlithreading Introduction
- Thread Life Cycle
- Different ways to create Thread in Java.
- Synchronization
Inner Classes:
IO Streams
- Introduction to io Streams
- InputStream vs OutputStream
- Reading data from File using FileInputStream
- DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
- ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream
- PrintStream class
- Serialization