Java Basics:

  1. Introduction to Java
  2. Coding standards , Naming convention and Identifiers  
  3. Top 10 uses of Java Keywords
  4. Java Data Types 
  5. Java data types with example programs  
  6. Basic Operators in java 
  7. Method and type of Methods
  8. Access Specifiers/Modifiers
  9. Packages in java
  10. public static void main(String[] args)
  11. JVM Architecture
  12. Object class in java 
  13. Command line arguments
  14. Var Args in java
  15. Type Casting in java
  16. Static Import
  17. Enhanced For loop 
  18. Enum in java
  19. Top 100 mock interview questions and answers

Java Features:

  1. Java Versions Introduction
  2. Java 7 Features
  3. 8 New Java 8 features
  4. Java 8 Interface Default and Static methods


Object Oriented Concepts:

  1. OOPS Introduction
  2. Encapsulation 
  3. Class and Object
  4. Four different ways to create objects in java 
  5. 5 different places to define object in java
  6. Polymorphism
  7. Method Overriding
  8. Inheritance
  9. Constructor
  10. Constructor Overloading 
  11. Constructor Chaining 
  12. Static constructor
  13. Static Keyword
  14. Non static blocks in java
  15. This Keyword
  16. Super Keyword
  17. Super keyword interview questions java 
  18. Final Keyword
  19. Abstract class and interfaces 
  20. Abstract Class and abstract methods
  21. Interview questions on interfaces in java
  22. Multiple choice questions on java concepts


Wrapper classes

  1. Wrapper Classes
  2. Boxing and unboxing
  3. Boolean Wrapper class
  4. Integer Wrapper class
  5. Character wrapper class 
  6. Byte  Wrapper class
  7. Float wrapper class
  8. Long Wrapper class



  1. Arrays in java
  2. Java Arrays Interview Questions and answers for Freshers
  3. Java Interview Questions and answers for experienced


Java String

  1. String Class In Java
  2. StringBuffer Class 
  3. String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder


Exception Handling

  1. Exception Handling Introduction
  2. Differences Between Exception and Error
  3. try catch finally in Java
  4. User Defined Exceptions in Java
  5. Throw vs throws 
  6. Final vs finally vs finalize()
  7. Return statement in try catch blocks 
  8. Return statement in finally block 
  9. Throw keyword in java 
  10. Multiple catch blocks in java
  11. Try block without catch block
  12. Unreachable Blocks in java
  13. Different ways to print Exception message
  14. Java interview questions on exception handling 


Multi threading

  1. Mutlithreading Introduction 
  2. Thread Life Cycle
  3. Different ways to create Thread in Java
  4. Synchronization 


Inner Classes:

  1. Inner Classes


 IO Streams

  1. Introduction to io Streams
  2. InputStream vs OutputStream
  3. Reading data from File using FileInputStream
  4. DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
  5. ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream
  6. PrintStream class
  7. Serialization


Date Time API

  1. Formatting Dates in Java

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