• Java 8 provides java.time.LocalDateTime class.
  • By using minusMinutes() methods of LocalDateTime class we can subtract minutes from date or current date in java.
  • Lets see an example program on how to remove / subtract n minutes from current date using java 8.

  1. package com.instanceofjava.java8;
  2. import java.time.LocalDateTime;

  3. /**
  4.  * @author www.Instanceofjava.com
  5.  * @category interview programs
  6.  * 
  7.  * Description: subtract minutes to current date using java 8
  8.  *
  9.  */
  10. public class AddMinutesToDate {

  11. public static void main(String[] args) {
  12. //create data using java 8 LocalDateTime 
  13.     LocalDateTime datetime= LocalDateTime.now();
  14. System.out.println("Before subtracting 30 minutes to date: "+datetime);
  15.     //add seconds by using minuesMinutes(seconds) method
  16. datetime=datetime.minusMinutes(30);
  17. System.out.println("After subtracting 30 minutes to date: "+datetime);

  18. }

  19. }


  1. Before subtracting 30 minutes to date: 2018-02-05T22:41:42.463
  2. After subtracting 30 minutes to date: 2018-02-05T22:11:42.463

subtract minutes from java 8 date time.png

Instance Of Java

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